Thursday, October 11, 2007


The Greek participation in contest Food4you in Italy.
The students of 1st Geniko Lykeio of Menemeni produced the following video with the title Foodless

Friday, August 31, 2007

1st Lyceum of Menemeni is between the finalists in FOOD4U


The Italian Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies has been promoting – since 2005 - FOOD4U (or rather “food for you” the sms variation) a schools awareness campaign, aimed at students of Secondary Schools (aged between 13 and 19 years) and their teachers from 15 European countries: Belgium - Denmark - Finland - France – Germany - Greece - Luxembourg - Norway – The Netherlands - Portugal – United Kingdom - Spain - Sweden – Hungary and Italy.
The aim behind the campaign is a highly topical one:

The aim of the campaign is to make youngsters more aware of the importance of being informed about their own food choice, to highlight the role and points of view of young people about nutritional problems, encouraging them to reflect upon the values of a healthy and correct food diet The students, through a Competition to create and produce TV video spots plus backstage, are directly involved in an interactive way.

The campaign culminates in the FOOD4U VIDEO FESTIVAL, an award stay of a week in Italy, (inclusive of air travel, accommodation, transfers within Italy and activities) to which are invited the Competition’s winning school groups (on average some 2 groups per country giving a total of around 350 students and teachers plus guests of organisations representing entities and public bodies from Italy and the other 15 countries involved, specialists, journalists, communications operators, European TV teams, staff from organisations, group leaders and campaign managers).

The event includes a programme of tourist and study activities on the region (excursions and guided tours aimed at getting to know the historical, artistic, cultural, and local wine and food heritage; meetings on topics of inherently nutritional themes and the exchange of experiences amongst the young about their eating habits, teaching workshops – recreational visits on processing typical products). The FOOD4U VIDEO FESTIVAL includes 4 evenings of screenings, organised in various prestigious locations, with the presentation, as a European premier, of all the winning Competition video spots. An international jury of experts will award to the best of these spots the prize: the “FOOD4U Award 2007” and the Cup of the President of the Republic of Italy.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Friday, June 01, 2007

E-twinning diffusion

In May, Ms Evi Bina visited 1st Geniko Lykeio of Menemeni to be informed about the project 'Digital skills at school'.
Ms Evi Bina who has graduated from Aristoteleio university, School of Philosophy, faculty of Philology, works on her master that is about e-twining and education at school.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Visiting Brioude

Five teachers and two students have visited Lucee Lafayette in Brioude from 8th to 12th of May, in the framework of the project Digiskills .The students have been hosted and they had a great experience .All partners-schools have presented their work about project .Some new useful tools have been known to us also.Everything was great!

Thursday, May 03, 2007


The drama team of our school is preparing the performance of one of the most famous plays "i avli ton thavmaton"(the yard of the miracles) by Iakovos Kambanelis.
The play is about a group of everyday people of '50s who share the same yard and more than that......
The performance is going to be pesented in June, at the end of the school year.
The teachers in charge are:Aikaterini Karakonstantaki-English teacher
Eleni Kontou -Philologos

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

2nd Award of Modern Dance

A group of students of our school participated the 13th continental school art races of modern dance and took the 2nd place among other groups all over Northern Greece.

Our group of folklore dance received a special distinction as well.

Panayiotis Sverkounos, teacher of physical education, took care of the preparation of both groups.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Cinq jours à Rhodes

En attendant le bus pour retourner à l hôtel...
À la ville ancienne de Lindos.

Du 27-3 au 1-4-2007, C Classe de notre Lycée accompagnée par 4 professeurs a visité l île de Rhodes à Dodekanissa. Ici tous les élèves se trouvent sur l escalier du Palais des Chevaliers dans le vieux quartier de la ville de Rhodes.

Friday, March 23, 2007

La fête nationale

25 mars:en Grèce c est la Fête Nationale.

Vendredi le 23 mars on l a fêtée dans toutes les écoles grecques.
À notre Lycée la fête a été organisée par les élèves en collaboration avec les professeurs Mme Avgerinou Dimitra et Mr Sverkounos Panayotis.

La fête comportait: de la projection des images sur l histoire grecque, de la lecture des textes et des poèmes, des chansons et des danses traditionnelles, de la satire et l histoire du drapeau grec:de premiers drapeaux révolutionnaires au drapeau contemporain.(see the slide show)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

La route...

La route vers le point du départ du rafting était très difficile et dangereuse!

Friday, March 16, 2007

La danse

Le matin on fait du rafting et le soir on danse...

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Photos de Michel

Le rafting a commencé. Les élèves et leur professeur font de grands efforts! Après 14 km, ils arriveront au point d arrivée.

Rafting à Karpenissi

Vendredi le 9 mars 2007:On est prêt pour faire du rafting.Une experience magnifique.

Les moniteurs nous attendent...

Le retour est très difficile...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

L équipe du cinéma de la classe C4

Voilà l équipe du Cinéma de la classe C4. Ils ont déjà envoyé deux films court-métrage au Festival San Remo en Italie qui y aura lieu du 2 au 6 mai 2007.

Travail de la classe C4

Mercredi 7-03-2007

La classe de C4 fait une recherche sur l image de la femme d aujourd hui à travers les articles et les publicités de la Presse.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


In Skiros, one island of Greece, the carnival starts with the "Geros" and "Korela" traditional figures which walk around the streets during the carnival days. "Geros" wears a heavy black coat and around his waist there are 2-3 rows of " K O R E L A "
bells weighing 50 kilos. "Korela" his partner wears traditional clothes and dances continiously near "Geros" trying to challenge him. Both of them climb the castle of the island and jingle the bells. They behave in such a way to remind the inhabitants of the disaster that damaged all the sheeps. For this reason "Geros" wears the bells from dead sheeps. On the other hand they jingle the bells to expel the evil spirit. After that, dance and drink until
the dawn . [ J e a n ]
" G E R O S "

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Le carnaval traditionnel a commencé

Samedi midi dans les rues de Thessalonique on a vu les "Koudounophores" :ceux qui portent de grands grélots. Ils représentent le carnaval de leur village Sohos à 45 km de Thessalonique. Cette coutume traditionnelle vient de l antiquité et symbolise la bienvenue du printemps et l éloignement de mauvais génies de l hiver.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Le grec Saint-Valentin:Les élèves du français vous informent

En Grèce la fête de Saint-Valentin est venue de France. On la fête comme dans tous les pays européens, mais peu de gens connaissent qu il y a un grec saint de l amour. C est Saint Yakinthos qui a vécu en Crète pendant le 1er siècle après la naissance de Jésus Christ. En 98ap.J.-C. Yakinthos, qui avait 20 ans, est devenu martyr pour sa croyance en Jésus Christ. Alors l église l a nommé Saint de l amour et de la fidélité.Au village Anogia près de la ville Héraklion, il y a une petite église consacrée à sa mémoire. Tout autour de cette église, tous les ans pendant la 1ère semaine du Juillet on organise des fêtes et des concerts de musique grecque consacrés à Saint Yakinthos. Si vous voulez des informations en plus-en grec, en anglais ou en allemand- vous pouvez visitez le site:

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


In 16/1-20/1 the annual meeting for the project Comenius ''Developing digital @ school''has been accomplished.At this meeting was discussed the current course of the programme until now and the scheduling for the rest of the school year.Representing our school the professors Anastasia Gigoudi and Kaity Karakonstantaki informed us.We would like to thank our partners for their greetings!(Irene)

Saturday, January 20, 2007

The new Digi-team

In the beginning of December a new Digi-team has been created which is constituted from nine students of A and B lyceum classes ready to learn and work for the project. Irene,Dionysis,Manolis,Michael,Nena,Ilias,Kiki,Helen,Maria are willing and they can do it!!!![Irene ,Dionysis ]